Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
Now that is a smile I would pay for!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, September 21

Last Sunday morning
The Sunshine felt like rain
Week before
They all seemed the same
With the help of God and true friends
I come to realize
I still had two strong legs
And even wings to fly

Voice over, please:

Patterns: Websters defines "patterns" as: a) person or thing worthy of imitation or b) a model or plan used in making things; and c) a regular way of acting or doing.

So we buy patterns to create beautiful things like clothes or oragami and then there are the patterns we grow up with, some of which, we (collective we and not necessarily me) that we spend tons of money trying to change and there are those we see and try desperately to imitate.

This life's experience has certainly exposed some patterns for me and yes some of which I not only want to change but some that need change and some of which I treasure. I probably do not need to go into detail of those patterns I guess just that I am more aware of them is enough, for now.

A few therapy sessions ago Kwan and Pam brouth in a guest physical therapist and he was of the opinion that Dean should be using a cane instead of a walker. He saw that Dean had pretty good posture and since he is a lot closer to the ground than someone 6'2" and his balance was improving quite a bit that a cane would be better for him and Kwan and Pam agreed as long as Dean did not show signs of forgetting about his right side and relying solely on his left side for strength and movement.

Saturday evening May and I were talking on the phone and I asked Deano if he wanted to say hi to his Mom and he nodded yes and I could see that he was trying very hard to form words with his mouth. I said wait Dean let me give you the phone first. I put the phone to Dean's ear and out of his mouth came the words "Hi Mom". Now keep in mind it did not sound like the Deano that I am more familiar with but it was very clear what he was saying. And after I was done screaming and jumping up and down I got back on the phone to make sure that May heard what I heard and she said she heard it loud and clear. So like a baby who first hears their sounds, he can now begin to build on those sounds.

Last Thursday, Dean had and appt. with a new neurologist, who will now be following his condition. Dean was taken on the Sinemet and replaced with a drug that is currently being used for dementia patients. Here is the kicker, insurance did not approve the use of this drug for Deano since it is experimental for brain injury patients. Now the Dr. will have to write an appeal to the insurance company explaining his reason for prescribing this medication. The use of this drug for Deano is to help speed up the recovery of the brain cells. Other than that we are currently doing everything for Deano that can possibly be done.

I have spoken with the administrator of "Rehab without Walls" to see if there is a more aggressive course of action that could be taken for the recovery of Deans ability to use language as a means of communication. They are investigating and will follow up with us.

In the mean time it appears the Dean is in good spirit and and continues to laugh a lot and as the speech therapist observed this morning with more sound.

And oh I ain't wastin time no more
'Cause time goes by like hurricanes


Frankie said...

Be careful what you wish for. He'll be sassing you before long. I can't imagine how thrilled you are. He won't shut up before long. God bless
you all.

Hags said...

Leave it to Nambs to hold out until the opportunity arrives to say what almost everyone says when put in the spotlight. My money was on him saying "Nilla Wafers please"!
I can't believe (actually, I CAN believe) that he's walking with just the cane. That was great to see.
Slow and steady as she goes Nambs add we'll talk with you soon.

Unknown said...

Hey Teri!
Hey Teri,
What great news! Everytime you give us news it's news like this! Great news! Great pics! Great vids!
My goodness, sometimes baby-steps are leaps and bounds!

Walking and talking! Go Dean Go!

A great day!
Ricky " soon, nilla wafers" Elliott